Our body’s natural reflex to stress is called anxiety. It’s a strong feeling of fear about the future. For example, going to the first day of school, going for a job interview, or giving a speech in front of many people may cause most of us to feel nervous and fearful. However, feeling an extreme amount of anxiety that lasts longer than six months and interferes or leaves a negative impact on your life may be an anxiety disorder. In an anxiety disorder, the strong feeling of fear and discomfort will be with you all the time, and sometimes It is quite intense and debilitating. High anxiety may restrict you from doing the things you love and enjoy. Some of the examples of anxiety disorder are, fear about entering an elevator or crossing the street, or even leaving your home. If an anxiety disorder is left untreated it may worsen.
What is Anxiety

Types of Anxiety Disorders
There are various types of anxiety disorders:
- Panic Disorder: This anxiety disorder is marked by experiencing repeated panic attacks at unexpected times. A person who is experiencing panic disorder may live in a strong fear of the next panic attack.
- Phobia: This anxiety disorder is marked by excessive fear involving any specific object, any situation, or any activity. It could be anything, it might be of things that no one would find dangerous or can harm anyone.
- Social Anxiety Disorder: This anxiety disorder is marked by a strong feeling of fear of being judged by other people in social gatherings or crowded places.
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: This anxiety disorder is marked by a repetition of Obsessive thoughts that can cause a patient to repeat behaviors physically and mentally.
- Separation Anxiety Disorder: This anxiety disorder is marked by the feeling of homesickness or fear of being away from loved ones and home.
- Illness Anxiety Disorder: This anxiety disorder is marked by anxiety about getting sick or anxiety related to health.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): This anxiety disorder is marked by anxiety which comes after any traumatic or horrible event.
Symptoms of Anxiety
Anxiety feels completely different and its symptoms differ from person to person. Symptoms may include a racing heart, a feeling like butterflies in your stomach, an out of control feeling or that your mind is disconnected from your body. Other types of symptoms may include nightmares, unexpected panic attacks, and painful and unnecessary thoughts which are out of your control.
General Symptoms Anxiety Include:
- A rapid and sudden increase in heart rate
- Fast breathing like you just had a long run
- A strong feeling of restlessness
- Trouble in concentrating and focusing
- Trouble sleeping.
Treatment of Anxiety
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or commonly known as CBT is a type of psychotherapy that has shown promising results in patients with anxiety. It is normally a short term therapy, with weekly appointments. It mainly focuses on the patient’s behavior and thoughts and intends to show the patient how to think positively.
Mindfulness Meditation
Meditation is one of the best ways a person with anxiety can quiet their minds. Meditation has a powerfully positive impact on patients with anxiety. Meditation opens the mind to new possibilities and removes negative thoughts, making room for new and positive thoughts. It also prevents patients from overthinking a problem. A daily meditation session keeps the mind fresh and healthy.
Why Choose Full Spectrum as your Anxiety Therapist in Haverford, PA
Our therapists in Haverford, PA understand and have years of experience working with patients who have anxiety problems. We understand that untreated anxiety can be debilitating. We work individually with every patient to tailor an effective solution and treatment to handle the stress of everyday life. We are among the best Anxiety Therapists in Haverford, PA.