If you are searching for a new purpose in life, take heart. Not only are you not alone, but there are positive steps you can take to achieve that, whether you are finding a new purpose in life at age 25, 45, 65, 85, or anywhere in between!
How Do I Find My New Purpose in Life?
There are many reasons why you may be trying to find a new purpose in life. Perhaps you have ended a significant relationship or are a new empty-nester. Maybe you have lost a job or are feeling unfulfilled in your current one.
Or, you have time on your hands and feel something stirring inside you, but you’re not quite sure what. Whatever the reason you are finding a new purpose in life or a new career, there are things you can do either by yourself or with the help of a professional. Read on for our suggestions on how to start your journey to more fulfillment and joy in your career or personal life.
How Do I Find My Passion?
You know passion when you see it. Your friend is glowing with excitement to tell you about their garden, pottery, or new job. So, why don’t you have a passion and what steps can you take when you are finding a new purpose in life?
Relax. You do have a passion, but it is buried beneath a mountain of shoulds and musts. What you can do is:
- Divide your life into chapters and think about the things you did during those times that made you the happiest. What did you do when you had free time? What did you lose track of time doing?
- When you took classes in school, did you find some easier than others? Which ones felt like a breeze to study up on?
- What are you proud of about yourself?
If none of these things strike a chord, take your time and listen to yourself. Or, seek help if you are struggling with finding a new purpose in life. Sometimes it’s as plain as the nose on your face, only you can’t see it!
How Do I Find a Career I Love?
Finding your purpose in life and a career sometimes seem like mutually exclusive things, but considering how much time you spend at work, it’s an excellent mental health goal to find something you like to do. Here are some tips if you are trying to find a career you love:
- Write down your skills and what you think you are good at
- Make a list of what you like to do without regard to making money or if you think you are good at it
- Think about what career you would choose if you had all the money in the world
- Peruse job search websites, career resources online, and/ or class offerings at local colleges and see what looks interesting to you
- Think of classes you took in school that you enjoyed
Look at your lists over several weeks and search for patterns and your feelings about certain things. Not sure how to go from there? Read on.
How Do I Know What I Want?
When you are finding a new purpose in life or a new career, sometimes you feel conflicting emotions. There are many options perhaps, but none seem quite right. Oftentimes, the pressure of looking for a new passion or career can cloud your mind, and you (and your friends and family) are simply too close to the situation.
Consider letting a professional trained in helping people who are finding a new purpose in life walk you through the steps of identifying your hidden talents and passions. By following a specific and unique course of action with guidance, you can explore your options, relax and enjoy the journey knowing that you can and will find more joy and purpose at the end.
Let Marcy Shoemaker, Psy.D. Help You Find Your New Purpose
If you are ready to embrace a new passion or career but are struggling, Marcy Shoemaker, Psy.D. can help you. Marcy is uniquely qualified in helping people who are finding a new purpose in life because she herself has taken this journey and found her passion in helping other people find theirs!
Not only is she a licensed psychologist with an emphasis on the proven strategies of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, but she has worked as a professional outside of the mental health industry as president of a full-service marketing company and as a manager of the operations and service departments of a national health management organization.
Marcy will help you find joy, excitement, and success as you are finding a new purpose in life or a new career. Contact her today to make an appointment and to begin your journey.